You Gotta Love LOVE

You Gotta Love LOVE

Michele and Elliot Allen

A podcast hosted by married couple Michele and Elliot Allen. The podcast was created to bring more love and light into this crazy world. It will bring a positive light on marriage. Other married couples will also be interviewed to give their marriage story. We are all "man and wife; married for life".

Categories: Kids & Family

Listen to the last episode:

May 2021 marks 15 years since Elliot and Michele's Gown and Tux wedding. In today's episode, they discuss what they've learned about marriage and each other over these last 15 years.

Previous episodes

  • 61 - Team Allen - Married A Whole 15 Years! 
    Tue, 18 May 2021
  • 60 - Marriage and The Pandemic 
    Thu, 18 Feb 2021
  • 59 - New Year Goal Planning 
    Wed, 10 Feb 2021
  • 58 - Parenting and Adult Children with Ken and Janice Harvey 
    Tue, 22 Dec 2020
  • 57 - Season 3 Intro: We're back!!! 
    Wed, 16 Dec 2020
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